I'm definitely material girl, not Madonna's stile but literally.
Give me a new material and I'll will find what to make from it. Not that I invent
a wheel again. It's just for myself new experiments . For example after building
a shower bed, leftover from concrete went into concrete bowl making and later I
added leftovers from plumbing (pipes) and made concrete lamps (still in process
of being working lamp, but these are small details, I'll post finished product
later), then after mudding shower walls with thin-set, leftovers of thin-set
were used to make concrete planters/cups.
It's kind of "eco/recycle" part of me :)
But.... first was darkness.....
the hard thing - reno continue part of mudding and sanding after. I was pretty
optimistic after first layer light sanding. I didn't believe the guy from YouTube
when he said that the hardest part is sanding. You remember "Karate kid
I" first lessons of karate, where Mr. Miyagi teaching the ABC's? Three scenes - " Wax on Wax off", "Right circle, left
circle", "All in the wrist: up, down, up, down". Well... all
week was pretty much "up, down, up, down" (the mudding part) and then
"wax off and on" and plus "circles" (the sanding part). I
discovered that my body has too many muscles that I wasn't aware of. And was
very happy and very ready for primer paint shopping, because that meant that
"wax off wax on" part was over.
Vacuum cleaner was used to gather the sanded dust from floors and walls. You can see the difference between the vacuumed part and not
Joke of the week:
My son comes home from school and finds me lying on the couch in front of TV. Looks at me worried. "Are you sick?" Funny, this question never arise when he sees his daddy in that position :)