Friday, August 24, 2012

Lithuanian influence

Just week at home from trip to Lithuania after 23 years and full of influence of an ancient, little and green country (my son's words:o). Amber and bronze authentic works at Amber museum in Palanga, and beautiful hand felted wool and linen creations through and out of Old Vilnius galleries - that was a big inspirational sight. 


A handful of amber (gift from my aunt) gave me a lot of play time with my Bronze clay pieces.

And 3kg of brought wool a lot of hard work out in my backyard:o) but very happy friends that birthdays just came up on this time. As Russian expression says - "Pleasure with usefulness"
So till the hot weather allows me to play with water at my backyard, my jewelry tools will have some rest. Besides to run the kiln of 1500° F in 30° C temperature it's too much, right? :o) Probably, or I'll combine them both:o))))

But right now instead of dyeing my hair or doing manicure (going to the wedding this night) I'm engrossed in shoe lasts' making. So far in experimental mode, but a lot of fun even if it's not successful. Negative experience - is also experience :o). Rasa from Lithuania has a beautiful and successful experience of making shoe lasts' from professional extruded insulation foam (here is the link), mine was from canister and not so successful. Second tried from insulation sheet, but cement glue "ate" my layers of foam and the form got somehow crippled :o) but from home renovation I had left a container of plastic wood (wood filler) that I decided to improve the form with my knowledge for sculpting :o))) then filing and sanding (from jewelry), then painting (well... from painting:o) that got me to far far away from the perfect lasts, but enough for using with size 44/10.5.

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